Welcome to Quantum Social Change

This newsletter is part of an ongoing inquiry into how we can rapidly transform ourselves and our societies to realize an equitable and thriving world. For years, I’ve been fascinated by what quantum social science implies for issues like climate change and global sustainability. Why? Because it asks us to think differently about the relationship between mind, meaning, and matter. Moreover, invites us to recognize that we matter more than we think.

The scope, scale, speed, and depth of transformations that are called for to address climate change, biodiversity loss, inequity, and other global sustainability challenges make it clear that we have to approach and engage differently with social change; this includes opening our hearts and minds to new ways of showing up and being together.  

Through this newsletter, I’ll explore and engage with a quantum paradigm for social change and reflect on the relationship between individual change, collective change, and systems change. Each week, I will share perspectives, contemplations, conversations, inspirations, or reflections related to quantum social change in theory and practice.

I hope this will foster conversations for action that nourish and support a “you matter” movement, so that together we can “real”-ize a just and sustainable world.

Welcome to a committed and kind-hearted community of people who share an interest in quantum social change, not just in theory but in practice. Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and publication archives. Participate in the comments section, or support this work with a paid subscription.

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Subscribe to Karen O’Brien for Quantum Social Change

Exploring the possibilities and potentials of quantum social change for climate action and global sustainability.


Professor of Human Geography at the University of Oslo and co-founder of cCHANGE. Passionate about realizing transformations to an equitable and thriving world.